"The Light Was On"

A moth was visiting the ophthalmologist one day.

The ophthalmologist said, "What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, doc. I don't know where to begin. My wife left me, and she took the kids with her. I'm hopelessly behind on my mortgage, and I've just been passed over for promotion at my job.

"I've clearly peaked in life; every time I ponder the meaning of it, I am at a loss for substantive answers. 

"The rare moments I'm able to muster the courage to look myself in the mirror, I wonder if this world is better off without me in it."

The moth continued with this forlorn assessment of his current state of affairs for several minutes.

Finally the doc said, "Well, I certainly feel for you. I've had moments in my own life where things appeared to be headed in the wrong direction...

"But I'm an ophthalmologist; it seems to me your problems are best addressed to a psychiatrist. I feel compelled to ask, why did you come to me?"

"Because the light was on."

Sometimes we feel the need to unload our problems and issues we're facing. And while that's a good thing, it's important to make sure you're speaking to someone who can actually help with whatever it is you're going through!

Like the moth in our story above, we too often unload our souls to the first person willing to listen to us, only to realize until it's too late this person isn't the least bit qualified to help us. If anything, they'll run to the nearest gossip mill and besmirch our character!

I've been in the business of digital media publishing for 10 years now. I've seen the business go through many changes, and have made every mistake possible.

If you're venturing out into something similar, let's connect for a few coaching calls and get you on the right track.

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