How to Master Auditions

On the most recent episode of the Brass Mastery podcast, we tackle a topic that sends chills down the spines of even the most seasoned professional musicians: mastering auditions.

Whether you’re aiming for a spot in an orchestra, prepping for a college jury, or even gearing up for that pivotal job interview, the anxiety and fear of auditions is a universal experience.

Auditions can feel like stepping into the unknown, a daunting challenge that tests not only your skills but also your nerves. But here’s the good news: just like any other challenge, the more you familiarize yourself with the process, the less intimidating it becomes. Remember the first time you rode a bike or spoke in public? The fear melted away with practice and preparation, and auditions are no different.

To discuss the concept of mastering auditions, I invited Micah Wilkinson, principal trumpet with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Micah has been on both sides of the audition table and understands the nuances that can make or break a performance.

It was a terrific interview, one that is sure to bring some clarity and confidence to the oft-terrifying process of preparing for and executing auditions!

Listen to the episode at this link:

Happy auditioning!
