Aaron Rodgers’ major moment

I realize there are a few people reading this who don’t follow sports, so I’ll give the rundown on the major headline from the last 24 hours. Aaron Rodgers, longtime quarterback for the Green Bay Packers left Green Bay for New York, who committed to paying him over $100 million over the next 3 years.

Then last night, in Rodgers’ debut with the Jets, in the first 5 minutes in fact, he was injured. Ruptured achilles tendon. He’s out for the entire season.

There was so much hype over his leaving the Packers, then signing a contract with the Jets, not to mention the buildup to playing for the Jets. Everyone who cares about sports, myself included, wanted to see if a proven winner could take a team with a proven inability to win big games to the Super Bowl.

There’s a lot to discuss just in that, but the immediate reaction by all the pundits is asking things like, Will he come back? Will he take the guaranteed money and retire?

The man is 39 years old, and has accomplished everything there is to accomplish in the NFL – with one team that is. Maybe his motivation for switching teams was to have his legacy as the one who took the Jets to the Super Bowl. It worked for Tom Brady, why couldn’t it work for him?

But as depressing as his injury is for himself and everyone who has even a mild interest in American football, like I said yesterday, Life goes on. Maybe this injury will be his time to really shine.

40 year old quarterback comes back from a career-threatening injury to lead the most frustrating team in the NFL to the Super Bowl.

I think that would look good on his resume.

Or maybe his body finally gives out and won’t heal the way it needs to in order for him to perform at a high level.

I guess we don’t really know at this point, but it’s an interesting thought.

I personally hope he’s able to recover and play at least one season with his new team, and let the chips fall where they may.

Whatever the case may be, Rodgers is playing that dual game: the football player contributing to his teams’ success; and the individual brand leaving his mark on football and the world at large. But it’s always putting aside individual interests for the good of the team that ultimately boosts one’s personal status.

This injury, as awful as it is in the present moment, could be Aaron’s greatest opportunity in the big picture.