If you’ve got a horn, you may as well toot it

I’ve been playing a lot of trumpet lately. If you recall an email from last week, I shared how my wife Sana more or less hog-tied me, gagged my mouth and essentially forced me to keep on playing.

Well, it wasn’t that dramatic, but her…persuasive words were what I needed to hear in that moment to keep it in my life.

Funny thing about practicing anything is you get better at it the more you do it.

And now that I’ve been playing a lot, i.e. every day, I’m beginning to get back into the form I had when I played all the time. If anything, once my strength and endurance returns, I’ll be far better than I was in 2014, the last I played with any amount of intensity and consistency.

So last night at dinner, Sana said something along the lines of, “You know, you’re a really good trumpet player.”

“Yes, I’m aware of that,” I replied, Ben Franklinesque humility literally dripping out the sides of my lips as I spoke.

She looked at me kind of funny when I said that.

But then I said, “I wouldn’t do it if I wasn’t good at it.”

There’s a lot of truth to that – if I may humbly say so. I’m a busy guy, I have to be very selective with how I spend my time. I really don’t have time to devote to something I’m not good at, and that doesn’t contribute to what I see as my mission in life.

Trumpet has been that pesky, stubborn thing that just won’t go away. In fact, I’m ramping up the Trumpet Dynamics podcast as we speak to go with my renewed enthusiasm for the instrument.

I can’t say how good it’s going to be. Only those who listen can be the judge of that. I will say I’m devoting considerable time, energy and resources into it, so I can confidently say that at the least, it won’t be a waste of anyone’s time.

To subscribe to the show so you’re up to speed when new episodes begin to be released (very soon), just go to trumpetdynamics.com.