Why is tennis so dang attractive?

I was getting ready to watch the men’s Wimbledon final yesterday, and was asking myself, “Why do I love to watch this game?” I’m a sports fan, and always have been, but for some reason have always been enamored with tennis more than any other sport. And with no disrespect to any of the tremendous female tennis players, the men’s game is simply faster, more exciting to watch. They play best of 5 sets in the major events, which adds to the appeal that much more.

The more I thought about it, I realized there are so many comparisons between tennis and the career of an Independent Publisher and Performing Artist like myself. The game itself is pretty basic in its rules, structure and scoring, yet due to countless factors, every single point is truly unique, which is what makes it so tantalizingly exciting to watch. And I dare say there is a lot we can learn from these unbelievable athletes.


In tennis, no two points are ever the same. The interplay between the players, their judgment, and the conditions on the court make each point a distinctive challenge. Similarly, just as a tennis player must adapt to different court surfaces and weather conditions, an independent publisher must adapt to changing market trends and reader preferences. A performing artist faces the ever-changing landscape of venues, audience expectations, new technology and artistic evolution.

Player Judgment and Error

One of the fascinating aspects of tennis is the significance of player judgment and error. A slight miscalculation in shot selection or a momentary lapse in concentration can turn the tide of the game in an instant. Similarly, in the world of independent publishing and performing arts, the decisions made by the artists and publishers hold great weight. A publisher’s judgment in selecting manuscripts or an artist’s creative choices can make all the difference between a hit or a miss. Just as a tennis player learns from their mistakes and refines their game, independent publishers and performing artists grow through their experiences, learning from their missteps and refining their craft.

The Weather

Weather conditions play a crucial role in a tennis match, with wind, humidity, and even the position of the sun affecting the trajectory of the ball. Likewise, external factors impact the careers of independent publishers and performing artists. We Independent Publisher and Performing Artist’s may not be at the mercy of the wind and rain, but we certainly are at the mercy of economic fluctuations, technological advancements, and societal trends. These can all influence the success or failure of a project, even an entire career. Just as a tennis player must adjust their game plan according to the prevailing conditions, Independent Publisher and Performing Artist’s must adapt their strategies to navigate the ever-changing landscape of their respective industries.

Human Error and Resilience

In tennis, as in life, human error is inevitable. A missed shot, a double fault, a momentary loss of focus can be the turning point in a match. Similarly, Independent Publisher and Performing Artists encounter their fair share of setbacks and challenges. Rejection letters, negative reviews, financial constraints can all test their resilience, their will to continue. But just like tennis players, these creative individuals learn to bounce back, turning setbacks into stepping stones towards growth and success. It is their ability to persevere in the face of adversity that sets them apart.


Just as a tennis player embraces the ever-changing dynamics of the game, independent publishers and performing artists thrive by embracing the unpredictability of their industries. It is through this embrace that they discover their true potential, honing their skills, making conscious choices, and ultimately creating their own path to success. Next time you’re sitting down to watch a couple of tennis players take the court, think about the battles without and within they’re fighting. Just as each point is an opportunity for growth and greatness, so each decision you encounter is an opportunity to win at your own game!

To hear more of my thoughts on tennis, business, and many more topics as they related to life as an Independent Publisher and Performing Artist, I invite you to check out my brand new podcast called Broke v. Busy. I literally just started it this past weekend, and am experimenting with some of the amazing AI tools available to optimize the efficiency of content creation.

To listen and subscribe to the Broke v. Busy podcast, click here: https://broke-v-busy.captivate.fm

I’m adding new content to it daily!