Train your flea to fail

Today’s story is a tip of the cap to my good friend and longtime Podcast Artistry™ client, Jennifer Hill who often tells the story of how to “train” a flea.

As the story goes, a flea can jump incredibly high compared to its tiny size. However, if you put the flea in a jar and put the lid on it, once the flea hits its head on the lid, it won’t ever jump higher than that again, even if you remove the lid and there is no barrier to its ability to jump.

Although the flea can jump probably 3x the height of the jar, it’s been trained to accept it can’t jump any higher than where that lid once was.

And the keyword is once.

It only takes one time of experiencing that limitation, and it won’t even try to jump higher ever again.

Now I’ve never tested this myself, but Jennifer is an honorable woman, and I have no reason to believe she would deliberately falsify a story about jumping fleas for the sake of making a point about our own limiting beliefs on her podcast. So I choose to take her at her word.

At the very least, it’s good for business taking that approach.

I’ve met a lot of folks who have all the talent and potential in the world, be it in music, broadcasting, or otherwise. I know I’ve many times limited myself like that flea, as though there is some invisible barrier to how high I can go. This occurs through self-sabotage, self-doubt, self-this, self-that.

There’s way too much “self” in there if you ask me. It seems the more we focus on self, the more we limit our ability to perform at the highest levels of whatever we endeavor to do.

Maybe I’m getting a bit off track because I’m writing this at 9:30 pm.

Whatever the case, we have room for people who want to use a podcast or other forms of digital media to build an online presence – and are serious about it.

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