Free Will Defined, the Noumenal v. Phenomenal Realm, and The Science Behind the Mob Mentality with Laura Davidson

I love my job.

I get to talk to incredibly smart and accomplished people like my guest in this episode.

Laura Davidson is an Oxford-trained scholar who recently published The Logic of Freedom: Free Will, Human Nature, and the Rational Argument for a Genuinely Free World.

The book is not bedtime story material for a 9 year old child. But it is both very well-written, and in such a way that it causes the reader to think twice about the most basic concept we’re taught from the earliest age: Freedom.

How free are we, really? We’re taught that the United States is founded on freedom, but beyond a superficial understanding of the word, we really don’t think that much about what real freedom is. Laura’s book, and in a smaller way, this podcast will make you think about freedom, likely in ways you’ve never thought about before.


In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • What free will is – and isn’t
  • Thoughts on another dimension of consciousness that coexists alongside our “day to day” existence
  • How dictators use the media and even peer pressure to maintain their ill-intended rule over others
  • Why governments are antithetical to freedom, and why the founders of the U.S. wanted as little government as possible

There is of course more to it – and Laura and I only scratched the surface of her book in our short time together, but we made the most of what we had.

Resources mentioned:

The Logic of Freedom by Laura Davidson