#027 Your First (and not last) $100k Month, Tips on Biz Partnerships With a Spouse, To Debate or Not To Debate AI And Much More with John Lee Dumas!

I’m very excited to feature my friend and longtime podcast mentor, John Lee Dumas, aka JLD. I’ve been a member of JLD’s flagship program Podcaster’s Paradise for over 8 years; in fact, I learned the ropes of podcasting watching his videos all those years ago!

John has probably forgotten more about business, podcasting, entrepreneurship etc. than most people will ever learn in their entire lives. He brings the heat every time he’s behind the mic, either as a host or a guest, and he did not disappoint in this interview.


In this discussion with JLD, you’ll hear:

-Being around the right people makes all the difference…

  • Regular in conversations
  • Mindset, attitudes, focus
  • Conferences

-Be your own niche…

-Be excited when something is difficult…

-“Kate embodies what I don’t”…

-Thoughts on the ongoing AI debate…

-And much more…

About the guest:

John Lee Dumas is the host of Entrepreneurs on Fire, an award winning podcast where he interviews inspiring Entrepreneurs who are truly ON FIRE. With over 2500 episodes, 1 million + listens a month, and seven-figures of annual revenue, JLD is just getting started.

Visit EOFire.com to set YOUR Entrepreneurial journey ON FIRE!



  1. No one wants a wannabe - James D. Newcomb on June 23, 2023 at 11:24 am

    […] Awhile back I featured the great John Lee Dumas on the This Is What We C.R.A.V.E. podcast. Among the things we discussed was how John’s massive financial success with his podcast in the 2013-14 timeframe caused people to (erroneously as it turned out) assume that having a podcast was the secret sauce to making gobs of money. So as a result all sorts of podcasts sprang up with names that were blatant copies of JLD’s now infamous Entrepreneurs on Fire (Listen to my interview with JLD here.) […]

  2. Who wants a wannabe? - JNS Media, LLC on June 23, 2023 at 11:27 am

    […] Awhile back I featured the great John Lee Dumas on the This Is What We C.R.A.V.E. podcast. Among the things we discussed was how John’s massive financial success with his podcast in the 2013-14 timeframe caused people to (erroneously as it turned out) assume that having a podcast was the secret sauce to making gobs of money. So as a result all sorts of podcasts sprang up with names that were blatant copies of JLD’s now infamous Entrepreneurs on Fire (Listen to my interview with JLD here.) […]

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